Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Cradle Song

over the cradle
over the sarong
so many lullabies
were sung for us
lullabies that swung
us into a sweet
wonderland, our own
paradise of Oz,
land of love, warm
kisses and pleasant dreams

first brother sang
to third sister,
third sister to sixth sister

and also mom, aunties
and uncles were so
creative and lively
I could not help
chuckle along to
their spontaneous
self styled songs
that praised me, assured me
swung me into a
halcyon wonderland

the Speech Spirit
himself too
could not wait
to come acalling
with his ribtickling
zesty bassy lullabies
and captivating
children's poetry to
help us remember words
so that we can one day
too swing the world - like
the cradle we were in

little wonder seventh
brother all alone had
titter the world away
shrouded in a sarung

the Speech Spirit that
slowly helped him build up
his future world

Raghavan Warrier (12/25/2006 6:01:00 PM)
Nice poem. First time I heard of speech spirit.

Suzan Gumush (12/10/2006 6:29:00 AM)
Great verse. Best wishes suzan

Nimal Dunuhinga (8/17/2006 3:43:00 AM)
From cradle to the grave the lullaby travels..................a melancholy song?

Linda Hepner (8/5/2005 10:44:00 AM)
I do like the way you reach into the cradle and into the past... and future!

Kimberly Strothman Anderson (7/22/2005 7:08:00 PM)
I find this very touching

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