Sunday, February 8, 2009

Two candles burn through the night

chinese wedding
two red candles burn
though the night

wax sizzles,
drips, drips
with our red hot
passion for each other

drips, drips
fluidly down the bars
the whole night

drips, drips, with
each pause of
our desire
each hug of our
affirmation for
each other

drips, drips
with our thirst
for each other

drips, drips
and clings to
the bars, warm
as our bossoms

drips, drips
the night into our
for each other

drips drips till
the morning
turning the night
into an ecstatic
tour de tour, a union
crystallising in
a mass of bliss
resting in the quiet
of two exhaust candles

Shelley L Baxter-Stanley (5/29/2007 8:59:00 PM)
Very original and different thinking to comment on such a thing...Great imagery and beauty in your words! I love how it overlaaps with other feelings and thoughts as you consider and think about two red candles.
A thought provoking piece that is well written and interesting......Great JOb John.

Jamal Ludin (4/8/2007 12:05:00 PM)
what a structure -i want to imitate one -beautiful

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